ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
oci8.c:270:in oci8lib.so
I encountered this problem in my local machine while I an trying to start a Ruby on Rails application using oracleXE as a database. Check first whether the oracle XE service was running. If not do the following.
In order to start the service
--> goto Contol Panel
--> Administrative Tools
--> start OracleSevice XE
That's it...type local:3000/ to see your app up and running !!
oci8.c:270:in oci8lib.so
I encountered this problem in my local machine while I an trying to start a Ruby on Rails application using oracleXE as a database. Check first whether the oracle XE service was running. If not do the following.
In order to start the service
--> goto Contol Panel
--> Administrative Tools
--> start OracleSevice XE
That's it...type local:3000/ to see your app up and running !!