Refinery CMS for rails...and some associated tit bits

Currently I am working on th "Refinery" CMS in rails, a beautiful content management system in rails and the best way to understand the concepts for me is none other than the railcasts episodes. But before starting with it, we need to have some stuffs installed in our machine...viz. ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3 (or above). Lets go one by one.
  1.  syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end......session_store :cookie_store, key: '_saint_rock_session'...Error while creating db, in refinery, caused due to absence of ruby 1.9.3 in your machine. Do install ruby 1.9.3 (using rvm/pik and have the refinery CMS setup happily :)
  2. If you are using ubuntu, there are some issues with installing of ruby 1.9.3 directly using rvm. The error looks looks like this...
ERROR: The requested url does not exist:
So you can manually fetch the file and then ask rvm to use it...

curl -o /usr/share/ruby-rvm/archives/ruby-1.9.3-.tar.bz2 \

rvm install 1.9.3   ---> This should solve the issue with 1.9.3 installation on ubuntu :)
  1.  rvm use --default ruby-1.9.3-p125 or pik use 1.9.3 --> This command should use the version mentioned as the default one, unless mentioned otherwise.
  2. ERROR: Dragonfly::Shell::CommandFailed in Refinery::Admin::ImagesController#create
    Command failed (identify '/tmp/RackMultipart20120320-25633-z4q01a') with exit status 127...
    This error usually comes when you dont have Imagemagick installed in your local development machine. Do install Imagemagick to get rid of this error.
  3. More to come....
